
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Am a Book Snob

I started Twilight and got about 50 pages in... then I stopped.

I read the first of the Harry Potter series, and even read a portion of the second.... then I stopped.

I've tried and tried other books.... some of them have clicked, and others have not. It seems I either really like a book or really hate it. There is no in between.

Am I a book snob?  


If a book doesn't cater to my needs, I don't have the motivation to finish it. Like it's not good enough for me or something (I know, I know, rude, right?).

What do I need as a reader? I need an awesome main character (someone I can identify with, like a strong female), a suspenseful, engaging, fast-moving plot (I can also do slower ones if the characters are endearing enough), and creative writing.  I need it to be unique. But it also needs to be wholesome, with somewhere around a PG rating. Is that really too much to ask? Probably.

I used to think I just didn't like bestsellers--like I didn't want to follow the crowd. But I liked The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. I also loved Ender's Game and The Hiding Place and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. But I also adore lesser known A Vision of Light and other Judity Merkle Riley books. So I don't know. I guess I am with books as I am with life--demanding.

What do you "need" from a book?

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