
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Show Me Your Book Clutter

This is really embarrassing. I have this problem, and it's called Book Clutter.

I am actually quite malicious with avoiding clutter in my house, and with three little children that is no small accomplishment. But when it comes to books, I tend to let things slide... almost literally. My husband shakes his head at me, and I just say, "What??"

The problem is I have so many books I want to read. Or, that I need to read. The books in this photo are just the books I own that are on that list. It's funny how varied the genres are--from reference to family history to novels to religious to just about everything.

Aside from my cluttered side table, I have digital and paper clutter where I have recorded books I want to read. From my "wants" list on to titles scribbled on scraps of paper, I am overwhelmed with the amount of books I will get to someday.

Even with feeling almost buried by it all, I have no desire to change. I love books. I want to see books everywhere. My dear mother has stacks and bookcases and piles of books all over her house. I've seen even more than one copy of a book in different rooms! I suppose that is as sign that she should start her own cataloging system. Even then, I would never think that she had a problem. No, Book Clutter is not bad. Book Clutter is awesome.

I admit that I have been cheating a little bit. We have a small house, and only a few bookcases, so I promised my husband that I wouldn't own more books than can fill those bookcases. Those bookcases are full... no room for anything else. But there are technically more books in the house than that (see photo above).  And the pile seems to keep waxing rather than waning. Don't wag your finger at me! I'll give them away when I'm done reading them. Maybe.

Do you have Book Clutter? Take a photo and share it via the comments below. I promise to leave a funny comment.


  1. I admit I have book clutter as well. I look at books every time I go to Goodwill or a consignment shop or garage sale. I can't resist children's books and How to Books and really old books. I also have a long list of books that I want to read. I don't think I have a problem. I think I have a collection :)

  2. Since I got my Kindle, I don't have a lot of book clutter anymore. I have three pages of books on my Kindle I haven't read, does that count?

  3. heck yes I have book clutter! I just got rid of a bunch, but more are lurking...

  4. Brielle, are you sure you just "look" at books at Goodwill and garage sales? Fess up! A "collection" is a good word.

  5. Meikjn, the first step is admitting you have a problem... :)
