
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Snippets from The Chicago Manual of Style

I love this book. If you are an editing nerd, you probably love The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), too. Do you have a friend/spouse who edits? Get them this book for their birthday, and they will be happy. If you are an editor or aspiring editor, you need this book. If you are an author or aspiring author, there are some good things in here for you as well.

I recently got a used 14th edition, and I've been reading it like a novel. I am sure my husband thinks I'm crazy.

Every so often, I'll share some snippets here.

From page 32: "Many potential readers scan the tables of contents to determine whether a book is worth their time (and money)."

So, as it is saying, you may not have thought about it, but your table of contents could potentially be a selling point (or not) for your book.

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